\\n \\n

\\n \\n
Revisa si hay desconexiones en el sistema organizacional
Mira el canvas de nuestro Transformation Model Approach© y trata de enfocar cuáles son las desconexiones que afectan la dinámica de la organización. Las desconexiones se ven en los lugares donde predomina el rojo.
\\n \\n Liderazgo\\n \\n
\\n \\n {{this.GetCapa(9)}} \\n \\n
\\n \\n {{this.GetCapa(2)}} \\n \\n
\\n \\n {{this.GetCapa(4)}} \\n \\n
\\n \\n {{this.GetCapa(8)}} \\n \\n
\\n \\n {{this.GetCapa(5)}} \\n \\n
\\n \\n {{this.GetCapa(1)}} \\n \\n
\\n \\n {{this.GetCapa(3)}} \\n \\n
\\n \\n {{this.GetCapa(7)}} \\n \\n
\\n \\n {{this.GetCapa(6)}} \\n \\n
\\n \\n
\\n \\n
\\n \\n\\n
{{(first)?\\n ((desco.dimensionID !== null)? 'En la dimensión \\\"' + getDimensionDescripcion(desco.dimensionID) +'\\\"' : desco.titulo)\\n : ((desco.dimensionID !== null)? (desco.dimensionID === this._desconexiones[iDesco-1].dimensionID)? 'En la misma dimensión'\\n : 'En la dimensión \\\"' + getDimensionDescripcion(desco.dimensionID) +'\\\"' :'') }}\\n {{(desco.capaId !== null)? ', la desconexión se da en la capa \\\"' + getDimensionCapa(desco.capaId) +'\\\"':''}}\\n
\\n \\n \\n
\\n\\n\"\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./src/app/solucion-document/solucion-document.component.html\n// module id = ./src/app/solucion-document/solucion-document.component.html\n// module chunks = main","import { Component, OnInit, Input, Output, EventEmitter, ElementRef, ViewChild, AfterContentInit } from '@angular/core';\nimport { TipoDesconexion, Posicion } from '../solucion/solucion.entity';\nimport { NavegacionService } from '../sidenav.service';\nimport { Respuesta, Pregunta, RespuestaTipoOpciones } from '../cuestionario/cuestionario.entity';\nimport { Etapa, Desconexion } from '../diagnostico/Diagnostico.entity';\nimport { CuestionarioHttpServicesService } from '../cuestionario-http-services.service';\nimport { Dimension } from '../solucion/Dimension.entity';\nimport { Capa } from '../solucion/Capa.entity';\nimport {trigger, state, style, animate, transition, group} from '@angular/animations';\nimport { LoaderService } from '../loader.service';\nimport { User } from '../shared/user.model';\nimport { UserService } from '../shared/user.service';\nimport * as jsPDF from 'jspdf';\nimport * as html2canvas from 'html2canvas';\nimport {MatDialog, MatDialogRef} from '@angular/material';\n\n@Component({\n selector: 'app-solucion-document',\n templateUrl: './solucion-document.component.html',\n styleUrls: ['./solucion-document.component.css']\n})\n\nexport class SolucionDocumentComponent implements OnInit, AfterContentInit {\n\n @ViewChild('pdfwrapper') pdfwrapper: ElementRef;\n public error = false;\n public errorMessage = '';\n\n public _posicionesCentro: Posicion[] = [{top: 250, left: 250},\n {top: 280, left: 230}, {top: 250, left: 340}, {top: 280, left: 360},\n {top: 340, left: 360}, {top: 360, left: 320}, {top: 360, left: 250},\n {top: 340, left: 230}, {top: 260, left: 300}, {top: 370, left: 300}];\n public _posicionesAroExterior: Posicion[] = [{top: -60, left: 300},\n {top: 0, left: 500}, {top: 180, left: 630}, {top: 300, left: 655},\n {top: 420, left: 630}, {top: 580, left: 520}, {top: 655, left: 300},\n {top: 580, left: 80}, {top: 420, left: -40}, {top: 300, left: -60},\n {top: 180, left: -40}, {top: 0, left: 0} ];\n // Indice del 6 al 11\n public _posicionSuperior: Posicion[] = [{top: 130, left: 250}, {top: 210, left: 250 }, // Interior\n {top: 130, left: 340}, {top: 130, left: 380},\n {top: 220, left: 360}, {top: 220, left: 320},\n {top: 60, left: 380}, {top: 80, left: 230}, {top: 60, left: 250}, // Exterior\n {top: 210, left: 340}]; // Interior\n // Indice del 12 al 17\n public _posicionDerecha: Posicion[] = [{top: 250, left: 450},\n {top: 250, left: 550},\n {top: 250, left: 420}, {top: 380, left: 450}, {top: 340, left: 420}, // Interior\n {top: 340, left: 550}, {top: 220, left: 500}, {top: 380, left: 550}, // Exterior\n {top: 210, left: 550}, {top: 210, left: 550}];\n // Indice del 24 al 29\n public _posicionInferior: Posicion[] = [{top: 540, left: 230}, {top: 580, left: 250},\n {top: 480, left: 420}, {top: 420, left: 360}, {top: 420, left: 380},\n {top: 480, left: 340}, {top: 420, left: 200}, {top: 520, left: 230}, // Interior\n {top: 580, left: 380} , {top: 580, left: 340}]; // Exterior\n // Indice del 18 al 23\n public _posicionIzquierda: Posicion[] = [{top: 250, left: 80}, // Exterior\n {top: 250, left: 120}, {top: 250, left: 180}, {top: 340, left: 200}, // Interior\n {top: 340, left: 180}, {top: 340, left: 200}, {top: 380, left: 200},\n {top: 380, left: 80},\n {top: 210, left: 40}, {top: 210, left: 80}]; // Exterior\n public _etapas: Etapa[];\n public _respuestas: Respuesta[];\n public _preguntas: Pregunta[];\n public _respuestatipoopciones: RespuestaTipoOpciones[];\n public _capa: Capa[];\n public currentEtapa: Etapa = null;\n public item = 99;\n public itemDesco = 99;\n public _desconexiones: TipoDesconexion[] = [];\n public _dimensiones: Dimension[];\n isIzquierdoDisconnected = false;\n isDerechoDisconnected = false;\n isSuperiorDisconnected = false;\n isInferiorDisconnected = false;\n isCenterDisconnected = false;\n isfirstDisconnected = false;\n issecondDisconnected = false;\n isthirdDisconnected = false;\n isfourthDisconnected = false;\n isfifthDisconnected = false;\n issixthDisconnected = false;\n isseventhDisconnected = false;\n iseighthDisconnected = false;\n isleadershipDisconnected = false;\n currentClient: User = null;\n isShowlikedisabled = false;\n constructor( public _sidenav: NavegacionService,\n private _cuestionarioServices: CuestionarioHttpServicesService,\n private loaderService: LoaderService,\n public userService: UserService ,\n public dialogRef: MatDialogRef
) { }\n ngOnInit() {\n // alert('');\n // console.log('En pdf init!');\n this.loaderService.display(true);\n this.currentClient = this._sidenav.currentClient;\n // this.userService.getUserClaims().subscribe((data: any) => {\n // this.currentClient = data;\n // console.log('En el init de solucion:' , this.currentClient);\n // this._sidenav.recursos(false);\n this._cuestionarioServices.getEtapa().subscribe( objEtapa => {\n this._cuestionarioServices.getRespuestas(this._sidenav.currentDiag.diagnosticoID).subscribe( objRespuestas => {\n this._cuestionarioServices.getPreguntas().subscribe( objPreguntas => {\n this._cuestionarioServices.getRespuestaTipoOpciones().subscribe( objRtop => {\n this._cuestionarioServices.getDimension().subscribe( objDim => {\n this._cuestionarioServices.getCapas().subscribe( objCapa => {\n this._capa = objCapa;\n this._respuestas = objRespuestas;\n this._etapas = objEtapa;\n this._preguntas = objPreguntas;\n this._respuestatipoopciones = objRtop;\n this._dimensiones = objDim;\n this.currentEtapa = this._etapas.filter(x => x.descripcion === 'DESCONEXIONES')[0];\n this.CalcularDesconexiones();\n this.isShowlikedisabled = true;\n this.loaderService.display(false);\n // const element: HTMLElement = document.getElementById('switcher') as HTMLElement;\n // element.click();\n }, err => {this.errorMessage = err.message; this.error = true; } );\n }, err => {this.errorMessage = err.message; this.error = true; } );\n }, err => {this.errorMessage = err.message; this.error = true; } );\n }, err => {this.errorMessage = err.message; this.error = true; } );\n }, err => {this.errorMessage = err.message; this.error = true; } );\n // }, err => {this.errorMessage = err.message; this.error = true; } );\n });\n }\n CalcularDesconexiones() {\n // Recorrer el cuestionario y buscar por capa segun la cantidad mayor de repeticiones\n // Mostrar Desonexiones.\n // const etapaDimension = this._etapas.find(etapa => etapa.descripcion === 'Dimension');\n this._desconexiones = [];\n this.isIzquierdoDisconnected = false;\n this.isDerechoDisconnected = false;\n this.isSuperiorDisconnected = false;\n this.isInferiorDisconnected = false;\n this.isfirstDisconnected = false;\n this.issecondDisconnected = false;\n this.isthirdDisconnected = false;\n this.isfourthDisconnected = false;\n this.isfifthDisconnected = false;\n this.issixthDisconnected = false;\n this.isseventhDisconnected = false;\n this.iseighthDisconnected = false;\n this.isleadershipDisconnected = false;\n console.log(this.currentClient.clienteID);\n this._cuestionarioServices.getResumenDesconexion(this._sidenav.currentDiag.diagnosticoID).subscribe( objTipoDesconexion => {\n this._cuestionarioServices.getDesconexion().subscribe( objDesconexion => {\n // console.log(objTipoDesconexion);\n objTipoDesconexion.forEach(element => {\n element.desconexion = objDesconexion.find( x => x.desconexionID === element.desconexionID);\n // console.log(element.desconexion);\n this._desconexiones.push(element);\n // Ordeno por como esta armado el canvas, primero superior en sentido del reloj\n // Todo lo de afuera primero y despues lo de adentro. Comenzamos por el centro.\n if (element.desconexionID === 1) {\n this.isCenterDisconnected = true;\n }\n if (element.desconexionID === 3) { // Desconexion: Planes\n this.isfirstDisconnected = true; // Capa: Planes Ubicacion: Superior Afuera\n this.isSuperiorDisconnected = true;\n }\n if (element.desconexionID === 9) { // Desconexion:Integracion Transversal\n this.issecondDisconnected = true; // Capa: Integracion Transversal Ubicacion: Derecha Afuera\n this.isDerechoDisconnected = true;\n }\n if (element.desconexionID === 7) { // Desconexion: Comportamiento\n this.isthirdDisconnected = true; // Capa: Comportamiento Ubicacion: Abajo Afuera\n this.isInferiorDisconnected = true;\n }\n if (element.desconexionID === 4) { // Desconexion: Diseño Organizativo\n this.isfourthDisconnected = true; // Capa: Diseño Organizativo Ubicacion: Izquierda afuera\n this.isIzquierdoDisconnected = true;\n }\n if (element.desconexionID === 2) { // Desconexion: Estrategia Valor\n this.isfifthDisconnected = true; // Capa Estrategia Valor Ubicacion: Superior Adentro\n this.isSuperiorDisconnected = true;\n }\n if (element.desconexionID === 8) { // Desconexion: Proceso y tecnologia\n this.issixthDisconnected = true; // Capa: Proceso y tecnologia Ubicacion: Derecha Adentro\n this.isDerechoDisconnected = true;\n }\n if (element.desconexionID === 6) { // Desconexion: Procesos- Creencia y supuestos\n this.isseventhDisconnected = true; // Capa: Creencia y supuestos Ubicacion: Abajo Adentro\n this.isInferiorDisconnected = true;\n }\n if (element.desconexionID === 5) { // Desconexion: Capacidad\n this.iseighthDisconnected = true; // Capa: Capacidad Ubicacion: Izquierda Adentro\n this.isIzquierdoDisconnected = true;\n }\n if (element.desconexionID === 10) { // Liderazgo\n this.isleadershipDisconnected = true;\n }\n }); });\n });\n }\n\n ngAfterContentInit() {\n console.log('After init');\n // const doc = jsPDF();\n // doc.addHTML(document.getElementById('pdfwrapper')\n // , 10, 10, {pagesplit: true,\n // margin: {top: 10, right: 10, bottom: 10, left: 10, useFor: 'page'}},\n // function () {doc.save('test.pdf'); } );\n\n // this.sleep(5000);\n // this.generate();\n // this.print2();\n // this.makePDF();\n // this.makepdf2();\n // this.makepdf3();\n // this.makepdf3();\n // html2canvas( document.body ).then(function(canvas) {\n // const img = canvas.toDataURL('image/png');\n // document.getElementById(\"myDIV\").appendChild(canvas);\n // const doc = new jsPDF();\n // doc.addImage(img, 'JPEG', 5 , 20);\n // doc.save('Test.pdf');\n // });\n // const input = document.getElementById('pdfwrapper');\n // html2canvas(input)\n // .then((canvas) => {\n // const pdf = new jsPDF();\n // pdf.addHTML(input, 0, 0, {\n // pagesplit: true,\n // background: '#ffffff',\n // }, () => {\n // pdf.save('download.pdf');\n // });\n // });\n }\n\n print2() {\n const innerContents = document.getElementById('pdfwrapper').innerHTML;\n const popupWinindow = window.open('', '_blank', 'width=600,height=700,scrollbars=no,' +\n 'menubar=no,toolbar=no,location=no,status=no,titlebar=no');\n popupWinindow.document.open();\n popupWinindow.document.write('' +\n '' + innerContents + '');\n popupWinindow.document.close();\n }\n printComponent() {\n let printContents = ' '\n + ' '\n + ' '\n + ' AMG - Transformación Organizacional '\n + ' '\n + ' ';\n printContents = printContents + document.getElementById('pdfwrapper').innerHTML;\n printContents = printContents + '';\n console.log(printContents);\n const originalContents = document.body.innerHTML;\n\n document.body.innerHTML = printContents;\n\n window.print();\n\n document.body.innerHTML = originalContents;\n}\n makePDF() {\n\n const quotes = document.getElementById('pdfwrapper');\n\n html2canvas(quotes).then(function(canvas) {\n\n // ! MAKE YOUR PDF\n const pdf = new jsPDF('p', 'pt', 'letter');\n\n for (let i = 0; i <= quotes.clientHeight / 980; i++) {\n // ! This is all just html2canvas stuff\n const srcImg = canvas;\n const sX = 0;\n const sY = 980 * i; // start 980 pixels down for every new page\n const sWidth = 900;\n const sHeight = 980;\n const dX = 0;\n const dY = 0;\n const dWidth = 900;\n const dHeight = 980;\n\n const onePageCanvas = document.createElement('canvas');\n onePageCanvas.setAttribute('width', '900');\n onePageCanvas.setAttribute('height', '980');\n const ctx = onePageCanvas.getContext('2d');\n // details on this usage of this function:\n // https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Canvas_API/Tutorial/Using_images#Slicing\n ctx.drawImage(srcImg, sX, sY, sWidth, sHeight, dX, dY, dWidth, dHeight);\n\n // document.body.appendChild(canvas);\n const canvasDataURL = onePageCanvas.toDataURL('image/png', 1.0);\n\n const width = onePageCanvas.width;\n const height = onePageCanvas.clientHeight;\n\n // ! If we're on anything other than the first page,\n // add another page\n if (i > 0) {\n pdf.addPage(612, 791); // 8.5\" x 11\" in pts (in*72)\n }\n // ! now we declare that we're working on that page\n pdf.setPage(i + 1);\n // ! now we add content to that page!\n pdf.addImage(canvasDataURL, 'PNG', 20, 40, (width * .62), (height * .62));\n\n }\n // ! after the for loop is finished running, we save the pdf.\n pdf.save('Test.pdf');\n });\n}\nmakepdf2() {\n html2canvas( document.getElementById('pdfwrapper') ).then(function(canvas) {\n const imgData = canvas.toDataURL('image/png');\n\n /*\n Here are the numbers (paper width and height) that I found to work.\n It still creates a little overlap part between the pages, but good enough for me.\n if you can find an official number from jsPDF, use them.\n */\n const imgWidth = 210;\n const pageHeight = 295;\n const imgHeight = canvas.height * imgWidth / canvas.width;\n let heightLeft = imgHeight;\n\n const doc = new jsPDF('p', 'mm');\n let position = 0;\n\n doc.addImage(imgData, 'PNG', 0, position, imgWidth, imgHeight);\n heightLeft -= pageHeight;\n\n while (heightLeft >= 0) {\n position = heightLeft - imgHeight;\n doc.addPage();\n doc.addImage(imgData, 'PNG', 0, position, imgWidth, imgHeight);\n heightLeft -= pageHeight;\n }\n doc.save( 'file.pdf');\n });\n}\n\nmakepdf3() {\n html2canvas( document.getElementById('pdfwrapper') ).then(function(canvas) {\n // const imgData = canvas.toDataURL('image/png');\n const contentWidth = canvas.width;\n const contentHeight = canvas.height;\n // The height of the canvas which one pdf page can show;\n const pageHeight = contentWidth / 592.28 * 841.89;\n // the height of canvas that haven't render to pdf\n let leftHeight = contentHeight;\n // addImage y-axial offset\n let position = 0;\n // a4 format [595.28,841.89]\n const imgWidth = 595.28;\n const imgHeight = 592.28 / contentWidth * contentHeight;\n\n const pageData = canvas.toDataURL('image/jpeg', 1.0);\n\n const pdf = new jsPDF('', 'pt', 'a4');\n\n if (leftHeight < pageHeight) {\n pdf.addImage(pageData, 'JPEG', 0, 0, imgWidth, imgHeight );\n } else {\n while (leftHeight > 0) {\n pdf.addImage(pageData, 'JPEG', 0, position, imgWidth, imgHeight);\n leftHeight -= pageHeight;\n position -= 841.89;\n // avoid blank page\n if (leftHeight > 0) {\n pdf.addPage();\n }\n }\n }\n\n pdf.save('content.pdf');\n });\n}\n sleep(delay) {\n const start = new Date().getTime();\n while (new Date().getTime() < start + delay) {}\n }\n\n\n Cancelar() {\n this._sidenav.Iniciar();\n }\n test(obj: MouseEvent) {\n alert(obj.srcElement.innerHTML);\n alert(this.item);\n }\n showlikedisabled(evt: MouseEvent) {\n this.isShowlikedisabled = !this.isShowlikedisabled;\n evt.stopPropagation();\n }\n GetRespuestas(): Respuesta[] {\n if (this._respuestas !== undefined) {\n return this._respuestas.filter( a => a.respuestaTipoID === 1);\n }\n}\nGetCapa(id: number): string {\n if (this._capa !== undefined && this._capa.length > 0) {\n return this._capa.filter( a => a.capaId === id)[0].descripcion;\n } else {\n return '';\n }\n}\nisR(rp: Respuesta) {\n // console.log(rp.respuestaTipoOpcionID );\n return (rp.respuestaTipoOpcionID === 3);\n}\nisY(rp: Respuesta) {\n return (rp.respuestaTipoOpcionID === 2);\n}\nisG(rp: Respuesta) {\n return (rp.respuestaTipoOpcionID === 1);\n}\n\n setStyleRespuesta(rp: Respuesta, index: number) {\n // console.log(rp, index);\n const dimID = this._preguntas.filter(x => x.preguntasID === rp.preguntasID)[0].dimensionID;\n // console.log(dimID);\n /* Aleatorio izq der, posicionado por dimension.\n let styles = {\n 'top': ((dimID === 2 ? 100 : dimID === 5 ? 500 : 300) + (6 * this.randomInt(1, 10) * ((index % 2) === 0 ? 1 : -1))).toString() + 'px',\n 'left': ((dimID === 3 ? 500 : dimID === 4 ? 100 : 300) + (6 * this.randomInt(1, 10) * ((index % 2) === 0 ? 1 : -1))).toString() + 'px'\n };*/\n // Ramdon de un array de posiciones\n let pos: Posicion;\n switch (dimID) {\n case 1:\n pos = this._posicionesCentro[(index % 10)];\n break;\n case 2:\n pos = this._posicionSuperior[(index % 10)];\n break;\n case 3:\n pos = this._posicionDerecha[(index % 10)];\n break;\n case 4:\n pos = this._posicionIzquierda[(index % 10)];\n break;\n case 5:\n pos = this._posicionInferior[(index % 10)];\n break;\n case 6:\n pos = this._posicionesAroExterior[(index % 10)];\n break;\n }\n const styles = {\n 'top': pos.top + 'px',\n 'left': pos.left + 'px'\n };\n // console.log(dimID, index, styles);\n return styles;\n }\n randomInt(min, max) {\n return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min;\n }\n Get(id: number): Pregunta {\n const preguntas: Pregunta[] = this._preguntas;\n const index = preguntas.findIndex( (a) => a.preguntasID === id);\n if (index < 0) {\n return null;\n }\n return preguntas[index];\n }\n getDescripcion(id: number): string {\n return this.Get(id).descripcion;\n }\n getDimensionDescripcionbypg(pregunta_id: number): string {\n return this._dimensiones.filter(x => x.dimensionID === this.Get(pregunta_id).dimensionID)[0].descripcion;\n }\n getDimensionDescripcion(id: number): string {\n return this._dimensiones.filter(x => x.dimensionID === id)[0].descripcion;\n }\n getDimensionCapa(id: number): string {\n return this._capa.filter(x => x.capaId === id)[0].descripcion;\n }\n getLeyendaResumen(): string {\n let resumen = '';\n let dim = '';\n let carUnion = '';\n const diagDescripcion = this._sidenav.currentDiag.descripcion;\n if (this.currentClient !== null && this.currentClient !== undefined) {\n // if ( this._desconexiones.length === 1 ) {\n // resumen = diagDescripcion + ' tiene una desconexión en ' + this._dimensiones[0].descripcion;\n // } else {\n if ( this._desconexiones.length > 1 ) {\n resumen = diagDescripcion + ' tiene desconexiones en ';\n } else {\n if ( this._desconexiones[0].ValorDesconexion !== '1') {\n resumen = diagDescripcion + ' tiene una desconexión en ';\n } else {\n resumen = diagDescripcion + ' esta en equilibrio. ';\n }\n }\n this._desconexiones.forEach((element, index) => {\n const dimDesc = this._dimensiones.filter(x => x.dimensionID === element.dimensionID)[0].descripcion;\n if ( dim !== dimDesc) {\n resumen = resumen + carUnion + '\"' + dimDesc + '\"' ;\n if ( index === (this._desconexiones.length - 3)) { carUnion = ' y '; } else { carUnion = ', '; }\n }\n dim = dimDesc;\n });\n // }\n resumen = resumen + '.';\n }\n // console.log(resumen);\n return resumen ;\n }\n GetRespuestaAsociada(preguntaID: number, deOption?: boolean): string {\n // console.log('Get Respuesta' , preguntaID);\n let respuestaValue = '';\n const resp = this.GetRespuesta(preguntaID);\n if (resp != null) {\n respuestaValue = this.GetRespuesta(preguntaID).valor;\n // console.log(respuestaValue);\n if (resp.respuestaTipoID !== undefined && resp.respuestaTipoID === 3) {\n if (deOption !== undefined && deOption\t) {\n // Opcion De:.....\n respuestaValue = respuestaValue.substring(3, respuestaValue.indexOf('Hacia:') - 1 );\n } else {\n // Opcion Hacia :.....\n respuestaValue = respuestaValue.substring(respuestaValue.indexOf('Hacia:') + 6 );\n }\n }\n }\n return respuestaValue ;\n }\n GetRespuestaAsociadaId(preguntaID: number, deOption?: boolean): number {\n // console.log('Get Respuesta' , preguntaID);\n let respuestaValue = 0;\n const resp = this.GetRespuesta(preguntaID);\n if (resp != null) {\n respuestaValue = this.GetRespuesta(preguntaID).respuestaTipoOpcionID;\n // console.log(respuestaValue);\n }\n return respuestaValue ;\n }\n GetRespuesta(id: number): Respuesta {\n let result: Respuesta = null;\n if (this._respuestas != null) {\n // alert(id);\n const index = this._respuestas.findIndex( (a) => a.preguntasID === id);\n // alert(index);\n if (index < 0) {\n result = null;\n }\n result = this._respuestas[index];\n }\n return result;\n }\n setRespuestaId(preguntaID: number, id: number): void {\n // console.log('set', preguntaID, value );\n this.loaderService.display(true);\n const pr = this.Get(preguntaID);\n // console.log('respuesta tipo ', pr.respuestaTipoID );\n const ropt = this._respuestatipoopciones.filter(x => x.respuestaTipoOpcionID === id)[0];\n // console.log('respuesta opcion', ropt);\n let resp: Respuesta;\n if (this._respuestas != null) {\n const index = this._respuestas.findIndex(item => item.preguntasID === preguntaID);\n if (index > -1) {\n resp = this._respuestas[index];\n resp.valor = ropt.respuestaOpcion;\n resp.respuestaTipoOpcionID = ropt.respuestaTipoOpcionID;\n this._cuestionarioServices.UpdateRespuesta(resp).subscribe(\n obj => {\n this._cuestionarioServices.getRespuestas(this._sidenav.currentDiag.diagnosticoID).subscribe(\n objRespuestas => {\n this._respuestas = objRespuestas;\n this.CalcularDesconexiones();\n });\n });\n } else {\n resp = new Respuesta(null,\n this.currentClient,\n this.currentClient.clienteID,\n pr.respuestaTipoID,\n ropt.respuestaTipoOpcionID,\n ropt,\n pr,\n pr.preguntasID,\n this._sidenav.currentEtapa,\n this._sidenav.currentEtapa.etapaId,\n this._sidenav.currentDiag.diagnosticoID,\n ropt.respuestaOpcion);\n this._cuestionarioServices.AddRespuesta(resp).subscribe(\n obj => {\n this._cuestionarioServices.getRespuestas(this._sidenav.currentDiag.diagnosticoID).subscribe(\n objRespuestas => {\n this._respuestas = objRespuestas;\n this.CalcularDesconexiones();\n });\n });\n // this._respuestas.push(resp);\n }\n } else {\n resp = new Respuesta(null,\n this.currentClient,\n this.currentClient.clienteID,\n pr.respuestaTipoID,\n ropt.respuestaTipoOpcionID,\n ropt,\n pr,\n pr.preguntasID,\n this._sidenav.currentEtapa,\n this._sidenav.currentEtapa.etapaId,\n this._sidenav.currentDiag.diagnosticoID,\n ropt.respuestaOpcion);\n this._cuestionarioServices.AddRespuesta(resp).subscribe(\n obj => {\n this._cuestionarioServices.getRespuestas(this._sidenav.currentDiag.diagnosticoID).subscribe(\n objRespuestas => {\n this._respuestas = objRespuestas;\n this.CalcularDesconexiones();\n });\n });\n // this._respuestas.push(resp);\n }\n this.loaderService.display(false);\n }\n windowprint() {\n window.print();\n }\n closemodal() {\n this.dialogRef.close();\n }\n}\n\n\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER //\n// ./src/app/solucion-document/solucion-document.component.ts","module.exports = \"\"\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./src/app/solucion/solucion.component.css\n// module id = ./src/app/solucion/solucion.component.css\n// module chunks = main","module.exports = \"\\n
\\n \\n
\\n Puedes clickear las respuestas para editarlas.\\n
\\n Liderazgo \\n
\\n \\n {{ this.GetCapa(9) }}\\n \\n \\n
\\n \\n {{ this.GetCapa(2) }}\\n \\n \\n
\\n \\n {{ this.GetCapa(4) }}\\n \\n \\n
\\n \\n {{ this.GetCapa(8) }}\\n \\n \\n
\\n \\n {{ this.GetCapa(5) }}\\n \\n \\n
\\n \\n {{ this.GetCapa(1) }}\\n \\n \\n
\\n \\n {{ this.GetCapa(3) }}\\n \\n \\n
\\n \\n {{ this.GetCapa(7) }}\\n \\n \\n
\\n \\n {{ this.GetCapa(6) }}\\n \\n \\n
\\n \\n \\n
\\n\\n \\n \\n
Veamos las desconexiones en tu sistema organizacional
\\n Mira el canvas de nuestro Transformation Model Approach© y trata\\n de enfocar cuáles son las desconexiones que afectan la dinámica\\n de la organización. Las desconexiones se ven en los lugares\\n donde predomina el rojo.\\n
\\n \\n
\\n \\n \\n
\\n\\n {{getDimensionDescripcion(desco.dimensionID)}}
\\n {{desco.titulo}}
\\n {{getDimensionDescripcion(desco.dimensionID)}}
\\n\\n \\n

{{\\n desco.dimensionID !== null ? desco.titulo : \\\"\\\"\\n }}\\n
Ver mas\\n \\n
\\n\\n\\n \\n
\\n\"\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./src/app/solucion/solucion.component.html\n// module id = ./src/app/solucion/solucion.component.html\n// module chunks = main","import { Component, OnInit, Input, Output, EventEmitter, ElementRef, ViewChild } from '@angular/core';\nimport { TipoDesconexion, Posicion } from './solucion.entity';\nimport { NavegacionService } from '../sidenav.service';\nimport { Respuesta, Pregunta, RespuestaTipoOpciones } from '../cuestionario/cuestionario.entity';\nimport { Etapa, Desconexion } from '../diagnostico/Diagnostico.entity';\nimport { CuestionarioHttpServicesService } from '../cuestionario-http-services.service';\nimport { Dimension } from './Dimension.entity';\nimport { Capa } from './Capa.entity';\nimport {trigger, state, style, animate, transition, group} from '@angular/animations';\nimport { LoaderService } from '../loader.service';\nimport { User } from '../shared/user.model';\nimport { UserService } from '../shared/user.service';\nimport { MatDialogRef, MatDialog, MatDialogConfig} from '@angular/material/dialog';\nimport { SolucionDocumentComponent } from '../solucion-document/solucion-document.component';\nimport { TarjetacompletaComponent } from '../tarjetacompleta/tarjetacompleta.component';\n\n\n@Component({\n selector: 'app-solucion',\n templateUrl: './solucion.component.html',\n styleUrls: ['./solucion.component.css'], // , '../../assets/scss/tool-styles.scss'],\n animations: [\n trigger('slideInOut', [\n transition(':enter', [\n style({transform: 'translateY(-100%)'}),\n animate('1000ms ease-in', style({transform: 'translateX(0%)'}))\n ]),\n transition(':leave', [\n animate('1000ms ease-in', style({transform: 'translateX(-100%)'}))\n ])\n ]),\n trigger('flyInOut', [\n state('in', style({transform: 'scale(1.1)'})),\n transition('void => *', [\n style({transform: 'scale(0)'}),\n animate(3000)\n ]),\n transition('* => void', [\n animate(3000, style({transform: 'scale(1.1)'}))\n ])\n ])\n ,\n trigger('flyInOut2', [\n state('in', style({transform: 'translateX(0)'})),\n transition('void => *', [\n style({transform: 'translateX(-100%)'}),\n animate(2000)\n ]),\n transition('* => void', [\n animate(2000, style({transform: 'translateX(100%)'}))\n ])\n ])\n ]\n})\n\nexport class SolucionComponent implements OnInit {\n @ViewChild('pdfwrapper') pdfwrapper: ElementRef;\n public error = false;\n public errorMessage = '';\n public _posicionesCentro: Posicion[] = [{top: 250, left: 250},\n {top: 280, left: 230}, {top: 250, left: 340}, {top: 280, left: 360},\n {top: 340, left: 360}, {top: 360, left: 320}, {top: 360, left: 250},\n {top: 340, left: 230}, {top: 260, left: 300}, {top: 370, left: 300}];\n public _posicionesAroExterior: Posicion[] = [{top: -60, left: 300},\n {top: 0, left: 500}, {top: 180, left: 630}, {top: 300, left: 655},\n {top: 420, left: 630}, {top: 580, left: 520}, {top: 655, left: 300},\n {top: 580, left: 80}, {top: 420, left: -40}, {top: 300, left: -60},\n {top: 180, left: -40}, {top: 0, left: 0} ];\n // Indice del 6 al 11\n public _posicionSuperior: Posicion[] = [{top: 130, left: 250}, {top: 210, left: 250 }, // Interior\n {top: 130, left: 340}, {top: 130, left: 380},\n {top: 220, left: 360}, {top: 220, left: 320},\n {top: 60, left: 380}, {top: 80, left: 230}, {top: 60, left: 250}, // Exterior\n {top: 210, left: 340}]; // Interior\n // Indice del 12 al 17\n public _posicionDerecha: Posicion[] = [{top: 250, left: 450},\n {top: 250, left: 550},\n {top: 250, left: 420}, {top: 380, left: 450}, {top: 340, left: 420}, // Interior\n {top: 340, left: 550}, {top: 220, left: 500}, {top: 380, left: 550}, // Exterior\n {top: 210, left: 550}, {top: 210, left: 550}];\n // Indice del 24 al 29\n public _posicionInferior: Posicion[] = [{top: 540, left: 230}, {top: 580, left: 250},\n {top: 480, left: 420}, {top: 420, left: 360}, {top: 420, left: 380},\n {top: 480, left: 340}, {top: 420, left: 200}, {top: 520, left: 230}, // Interior\n {top: 580, left: 380} , {top: 580, left: 340}]; // Exterior\n // Indice del 18 al 23\n public _posicionIzquierda: Posicion[] = [{top: 250, left: 80}, // Exterior\n {top: 250, left: 120}, {top: 250, left: 180}, {top: 340, left: 200}, // Interior\n {top: 340, left: 180}, {top: 340, left: 200}, {top: 380, left: 200},\n {top: 380, left: 80},\n {top: 210, left: 40}, {top: 210, left: 80}]; // Exterior\n public _etapas: Etapa[];\n public _respuestas: Respuesta[];\n public _preguntas: Pregunta[];\n public _respuestatipoopciones: RespuestaTipoOpciones[];\n public _capa: Capa[];\n public currentEtapa: Etapa = null;\n public item = 99;\n public itemDesco = 99;\n public _desconexiones: TipoDesconexion[] = [];\n public _dimensiones: Dimension[];\n isIzquierdoDisconnected = false;\n isDerechoDisconnected = false;\n isSuperiorDisconnected = false;\n isInferiorDisconnected = false;\n isCenterDisconnected = false;\n isfirstDisconnected = false;\n issecondDisconnected = false;\n isthirdDisconnected = false;\n isfourthDisconnected = false;\n isfifthDisconnected = false;\n issixthDisconnected = false;\n isseventhDisconnected = false;\n iseighthDisconnected = false;\n isleadershipDisconnected = false;\n currentClient: User = null;\n isShowlikedisabled = false;\n constructor( public _sidenav: NavegacionService,\n private _cuestionarioServices: CuestionarioHttpServicesService,\n private loaderService: LoaderService,\n public userService: UserService ,\n public dialog: MatDialog ) { }\n ngOnInit() {\n // alert('');\n this.loaderService.display(true);\n this.currentClient = this._sidenav.currentClient;\n // this.userService.getUserClaims().subscribe((data: any) => {\n // this.currentClient = data;\n // console.log('En el init de solucion:' , this.currentClient);\n // this._sidenav.recursos(false);\n this._cuestionarioServices.getEtapa().subscribe( objEtapa => {\n this._cuestionarioServices.getRespuestas(this._sidenav.currentDiag.diagnosticoID).subscribe( objRespuestas => {\n this._cuestionarioServices.getPreguntas().subscribe( objPreguntas => {\n this._cuestionarioServices.getRespuestaTipoOpciones().subscribe( objRtop => {\n this._cuestionarioServices.getDimension().subscribe( objDim => {\n this._cuestionarioServices.getCapas().subscribe( objCapa => {\n this._capa = objCapa;\n this._respuestas = objRespuestas;\n this._etapas = objEtapa;\n this._preguntas = objPreguntas;\n this._respuestatipoopciones = objRtop;\n this._dimensiones = objDim;\n this.currentEtapa = this._etapas.filter(x => x.descripcion === 'DESCONEXIONES')[0];\n this.CalcularDesconexiones();\n this.isShowlikedisabled = true;\n this.loaderService.display(false);\n // const element: HTMLElement = document.getElementById('switcher') as HTMLElement;\n // element.click();\n }, err => {this.errorMessage = err.message; this.error = true; } );\n }, err => {this.errorMessage = err.message; this.error = true; } );\n }, err => {this.errorMessage = err.message; this.error = true; } );\n }, err => {this.errorMessage = err.message; this.error = true; } );\n }, err => {this.errorMessage = err.message; this.error = true; } );\n // }, err => {this.errorMessage = err.message; this.error = true; } );\n });\n }\n CalcularDesconexiones() {\n // Recorrer el cuestionario y buscar por capa segun la cantidad mayor de repeticiones\n // Mostrar Desonexiones.\n // const etapaDimension = this._etapas.find(etapa => etapa.descripcion === 'Dimension');\n this._desconexiones = [];\n this.isIzquierdoDisconnected = false;\n this.isDerechoDisconnected = false;\n this.isSuperiorDisconnected = false;\n this.isInferiorDisconnected = false;\n this.isfirstDisconnected = false;\n this.issecondDisconnected = false;\n this.isthirdDisconnected = false;\n this.isfourthDisconnected = false;\n this.isfifthDisconnected = false;\n this.issixthDisconnected = false;\n this.isseventhDisconnected = false;\n this.iseighthDisconnected = false;\n this.isleadershipDisconnected = false;\n // console.log(this.currentClient.clienteID);\n this._cuestionarioServices.getResumenDesconexion(this._sidenav.currentDiag.diagnosticoID).subscribe( objTipoDesconexion => {\n this._cuestionarioServices.getDesconexion().subscribe( objDesconexion => {\n // console.log(objTipoDesconexion);\n objTipoDesconexion.forEach(element => {\n element.desconexion = objDesconexion.find( x => x.desconexionID === element.desconexionID);\n // console.log(element.desconexion);\n this._desconexiones.push(element);\n // Ordeno por como esta armado el canvas, primero superior en sentido del reloj\n // Todo lo de afuera primero y despues lo de adentro. Comenzamos por el centro.\n if (element.desconexionID === 1) {\n this.isCenterDisconnected = true;\n }\n if (element.desconexionID === 3) { // Desconexion: Planes\n this.isfirstDisconnected = true; // Capa: Planes Ubicacion: Superior Afuera\n this.isSuperiorDisconnected = true;\n }\n if (element.desconexionID === 9) { // Desconexion:Integracion Transversal\n this.issecondDisconnected = true; // Capa: Integracion Transversal Ubicacion: Derecha Afuera\n this.isDerechoDisconnected = true;\n }\n if (element.desconexionID === 7) { // Desconexion: Comportamiento\n this.isthirdDisconnected = true; // Capa: Comportamiento Ubicacion: Abajo Afuera\n this.isInferiorDisconnected = true;\n }\n if (element.desconexionID === 4) { // Desconexion: Diseño Organizativo\n this.isfourthDisconnected = true; // Capa: Diseño Organizativo Ubicacion: Izquierda afuera\n this.isIzquierdoDisconnected = true;\n }\n if (element.desconexionID === 2) { // Desconexion: Estrategia Valor\n this.isfifthDisconnected = true; // Capa Estrategia Valor Ubicacion: Superior Adentro\n this.isSuperiorDisconnected = true;\n }\n if (element.desconexionID === 8) { // Desconexion: Proceso y tecnologia\n this.issixthDisconnected = true; // Capa: Proceso y tecnologia Ubicacion: Derecha Adentro\n this.isDerechoDisconnected = true;\n }\n if (element.desconexionID === 6) { // Desconexion: Procesos- Creencia y supuestos\n this.isseventhDisconnected = true; // Capa: Creencia y supuestos Ubicacion: Abajo Adentro\n this.isInferiorDisconnected = true;\n }\n if (element.desconexionID === 5) { // Desconexion: Capacidad\n this.iseighthDisconnected = true; // Capa: Capacidad Ubicacion: Izquierda Adentro\n this.isIzquierdoDisconnected = true;\n }\n if (element.desconexionID === 10) { // Liderazgo\n this.isleadershipDisconnected = true;\n }\n }); });\n });\n }\n\n finalizar() {\n /* let img: any;\n\n html2canvas(document.body).then(function (canvas: any) {\n // document.body.appendChild(canvas);\n img = canvas.toDataURL();\n console.log('img', img);\n // this.pdfwrapper.nativeElement.innerHTML;\n });\n this._sidenav.irFin(img);\n */\n this._sidenav.irFin(undefined);\n }\n Cancelar() {\n this._sidenav.Iniciar();\n }\n test(obj: MouseEvent) {\n // alert(obj.srcElement.innerHTML);\n alert(this.item);\n }\n showlikedisabled(evt: MouseEvent) {\n this.isShowlikedisabled = !this.isShowlikedisabled;\n evt.stopPropagation();\n }\n GetRespuestas(): Respuesta[] {\n if (this._respuestas !== undefined) {\n return this._respuestas.filter( a => a.respuestaTipoID === 1);\n }\n}\nGetCapa(id: number): string {\n if (this._capa !== undefined && this._capa.length > 0) {\n return this._capa.filter( a => a.capaId === id)[0].descripcion;\n } else {\n return '';\n }\n}\nisR(rp: Respuesta) {\n // console.log(rp.respuestaTipoOpcionID );\n return (rp.respuestaTipoOpcionID === 1 || rp.respuestaTipoOpcionID === 2 || rp.respuestaTipoOpcionID === 3 );\n}\nisY(rp: Respuesta) {\n return (rp.respuestaTipoOpcionID === 12 || rp.respuestaTipoOpcionID === 13);\n}\nisG(rp: Respuesta) {\n return (rp.respuestaTipoOpcionID === 14 || rp.respuestaTipoOpcionID === 15);\n}\n\n setStyleRespuesta(rp: Respuesta, index: number) {\n // console.log(rp, index);\n const dimID = this._preguntas.filter(x => x.preguntasID === rp.preguntasID)[0].dimensionID;\n // console.log(dimID);\n /* Aleatorio izq der, posicionado por dimension.\n let styles = {\n 'top': ((dimID === 2 ? 100 : dimID === 5 ? 500 : 300) + (6 * this.randomInt(1, 10) * ((index % 2) === 0 ? 1 : -1))).toString() + 'px',\n 'left': ((dimID === 3 ? 500 : dimID === 4 ? 100 : 300) + (6 * this.randomInt(1, 10) * ((index % 2) === 0 ? 1 : -1))).toString() + 'px'\n };*/\n // Ramdon de un array de posiciones\n let pos: Posicion;\n switch (dimID) {\n case 1:\n pos = this._posicionesCentro[(index % 10)];\n break;\n case 2:\n pos = this._posicionSuperior[(index % 10)];\n break;\n case 3:\n pos = this._posicionDerecha[(index % 10)];\n break;\n case 4:\n pos = this._posicionIzquierda[(index % 10)];\n break;\n case 5:\n pos = this._posicionInferior[(index % 10)];\n break;\n case 6:\n pos = this._posicionesAroExterior[(index % 10)];\n break;\n }\n const styles = {\n 'top': pos.top + 'px',\n 'left': pos.left + 'px',\n };\n // console.log(dimID, index, styles);\n return styles;\n }\n randomInt(min, max) {\n return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min;\n }\n Get(id: number): Pregunta {\n const preguntas: Pregunta[] = this._preguntas;\n const index = preguntas.findIndex( (a) => a.preguntasID === id);\n if (index < 0) {\n return null;\n }\n return preguntas[index];\n }\n getDescripcion(id: number): string {\n return this.Get(id).descripcion;\n }\n getDimensionDescripcionbypg(pregunta_id: number): string {\n return this._dimensiones.filter(x => x.dimensionID === this.Get(pregunta_id).dimensionID)[0].descripcion;\n }\n getDimensionDescripcion(id: number): string {\n return this._dimensiones.filter(x => x.dimensionID === id)[0].descripcion;\n }\n getDimensionCapa(id: number): string {\n return this._capa.filter(x => x.capaId === id)[0].descripcion;\n }\n getLeyendaResumen(): string {\n let resumen = '';\n let dim = '';\n let carUnion = '';\n if (this._desconexiones.length > 0 && this._desconexiones[0].dimensionID !== null) {\n const diagDescripcion = this._sidenav.currentDiag.descripcion;\n if (this.currentClient !== null && this.currentClient !== undefined) {\n // if ( this._desconexiones.length === 1 ) {\n // resumen = diagDescripcion + ' tiene una desconexión en ' + this._dimensiones[0].descripcion;\n // } else {\n if ( this._desconexiones.length > 1) {\n resumen = diagDescripcion + ' tiene desconexiones en ';\n } else {\n if ( this._desconexiones[0].dimensionID !== null) {\n resumen = diagDescripcion + ' tiene una desconexión en ';\n } else {\n resumen = diagDescripcion + ' esta en equilibrio. ';\n }\n }\n this._desconexiones.forEach((element, index) => {\n // console.log(element.dimensionID);\n const dimDesc = this._dimensiones.filter(x => x.dimensionID === element.dimensionID)[0].descripcion;\n if ( dim !== dimDesc) {\n resumen = resumen + carUnion + '\"' + dimDesc + '\"' ;\n if ( index === (this._desconexiones.length - 3)) { carUnion = ' y '; } else { carUnion = ', '; }\n }\n dim = dimDesc;\n });\n // }\n resumen = resumen + '.';\n }\n }\n // console.log(resumen);\n return resumen ;\n }\n GetRespuestaAsociada(preguntaID: number, deOption?: boolean): string {\n // console.log('Get Respuesta' , preguntaID);\n let respuestaValue = '';\n const resp = this.GetRespuesta(preguntaID);\n if (resp != null) {\n respuestaValue = this.GetRespuesta(preguntaID).valor;\n // console.log(respuestaValue);\n if (resp.respuestaTipoID !== undefined && resp.respuestaTipoID === 3) {\n if (deOption !== undefined && deOption\t) {\n // Opcion De:.....\n respuestaValue = respuestaValue.substring(3, respuestaValue.indexOf('Hacia:') - 1 );\n } else {\n // Opcion Hacia :.....\n respuestaValue = respuestaValue.substring(respuestaValue.indexOf('Hacia:') + 6 );\n }\n }\n }\n return respuestaValue ;\n }\n GetRespuestaAsociadaId(preguntaID: number, deOption?: boolean): number {\n // console.log('Get Respuesta' , preguntaID);\n let respuestaValue = 0;\n const resp = this.GetRespuesta(preguntaID);\n if (resp != null) {\n respuestaValue = this.GetRespuesta(preguntaID).respuestaTipoOpcionID;\n // console.log(respuestaValue);\n }\n return respuestaValue ;\n }\n GetRespuesta(id: number): Respuesta {\n let result: Respuesta = null;\n if (this._respuestas != null) {\n // alert(id);\n const index = this._respuestas.findIndex( (a) => a.preguntasID === id);\n // alert(index);\n if (index < 0) {\n result = null;\n }\n result = this._respuestas[index];\n }\n return result;\n }\n setRespuestaId(preguntaID: number, id: number): void {\n // console.log('set', preguntaID, value );\n this.loaderService.display(true);\n const pr = this.Get(preguntaID);\n // console.log('respuesta tipo ', pr.respuestaTipoID );\n const ropt = this._respuestatipoopciones.filter(x => x.respuestaTipoOpcionID === id)[0];\n // console.log('respuesta opcion', ropt);\n let resp: Respuesta;\n if (this._respuestas != null) {\n const index = this._respuestas.findIndex(item => item.preguntasID === preguntaID);\n if (index > -1) {\n resp = this._respuestas[index];\n resp.valor = ropt.respuestaOpcion;\n resp.respuestaTipoOpcionID = ropt.respuestaTipoOpcionID;\n this._cuestionarioServices.UpdateRespuesta(resp).subscribe(\n obj => {\n this._cuestionarioServices.getRespuestas(this._sidenav.currentDiag.diagnosticoID).subscribe(\n objRespuestas => {\n this._respuestas = objRespuestas;\n this.CalcularDesconexiones();\n });\n });\n } else {\n resp = new Respuesta(null,\n this.currentClient,\n this.currentClient.clienteID,\n pr.respuestaTipoID,\n ropt.respuestaTipoOpcionID,\n ropt,\n pr,\n pr.preguntasID,\n this._sidenav.currentEtapa,\n this._sidenav.currentEtapa.etapaId,\n this._sidenav.currentDiag.diagnosticoID,\n ropt.respuestaOpcion);\n this._cuestionarioServices.AddRespuesta(resp).subscribe(\n obj => {\n this._cuestionarioServices.getRespuestas(this._sidenav.currentDiag.diagnosticoID).subscribe(\n objRespuestas => {\n this._respuestas = objRespuestas;\n this.CalcularDesconexiones();\n });\n });\n // this._respuestas.push(resp);\n }\n } else {\n resp = new Respuesta(null,\n this.currentClient,\n this.currentClient.clienteID,\n pr.respuestaTipoID,\n ropt.respuestaTipoOpcionID,\n ropt,\n pr,\n pr.preguntasID,\n this._sidenav.currentEtapa,\n this._sidenav.currentEtapa.etapaId,\n this._sidenav.currentDiag.diagnosticoID,\n ropt.respuestaOpcion);\n this._cuestionarioServices.AddRespuesta(resp).subscribe(\n obj => {\n this._cuestionarioServices.getRespuestas(this._sidenav.currentDiag.diagnosticoID).subscribe(\n objRespuestas => {\n this._respuestas = objRespuestas;\n this.CalcularDesconexiones();\n });\n });\n // this._respuestas.push(resp);\n }\n this.loaderService.display(false);\n }\n verVistaImpresion() {\n const dialogRef = this.dialog.open(SolucionDocumentComponent );\n /*\n , {\n maxWidth: '100vw',\n maxHeight: '100vh',\n }\n */\n }\n verVistaCompleta(titulo, resumen, desco, dimID) {\n console.log(dimID);\n const dialogConfig = new MatDialogConfig();\n dialogConfig.data = { titulo: titulo,\n resumen: resumen ,\n desconexion: desco ,\n dimID};\n // dialogConfig.maxHeight = '200vh';\n // dialogConfig.maxWidth = '100vw';\n const dialogRef = this.dialog.open(TarjetacompletaComponent , dialogConfig );\n /*\n , {\n maxWidth: '100vw',\n maxHeight: '100vh',\n }\n */\n}\n}\n/*\n {{this.getLeyendaResumen()}}
\n \n
{{(first)?\n ((desco.dimensionID !== null)? 'En la dimensión \"' + getDimensionDescripcion(desco.dimensionID) +'\"' : desco.titulo)\n : ((desco.dimensionID !== null)? (desco.dimensionID === this._desconexiones[iDesco-1].dimensionID)?\n 'En la misma dimensión'\n : 'En la dimensión \"' + getDimensionDescripcion(desco.dimensionID) +'\"' :'') }}\n {{(desco.capaId !== null)? ', la desconexión se da en la capa \"' + getDimensionCapa(desco.capaId) +'\"':''}}\n
\n*/\n\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER //\n// ./src/app/solucion/solucion.component.ts","module.exports = \"\"\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./src/app/tarjetacompleta/tarjetacompleta.component.css\n// module id = ./src/app/tarjetacompleta/tarjetacompleta.component.css\n// module chunks = main","module.exports = \"\\n

\\n \\n
\\n\"\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./src/app/tarjetacompleta/tarjetacompleta.component.html\n// module id = ./src/app/tarjetacompleta/tarjetacompleta.component.html\n// module chunks = main","import { Component, OnInit, Inject } from '@angular/core';\nimport { MatDialogRef, MAT_DIALOG_DATA } from '@angular/material';\n\n@Component({\n selector: 'app-tarjetacompleta',\n templateUrl: './tarjetacompleta.component.html',\n styleUrls: ['./tarjetacompleta.component.css']\n})\nexport class TarjetacompletaComponent implements OnInit {\n\n resumen = '';\n desco = '';\n constructor(public dialogRef: MatDialogRef,\n @Inject(MAT_DIALOG_DATA) public data: { titulo: '' ,\n resumen: '' ,\n desconexion: '',\n dimID: ''}) { }\n\n ngOnInit() {\n // ('En tarjeta completa');\n // console.log(this.data.dimID);\n }\n\n close() {\n this.dialogRef.close();\n }\n\n}\n\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER //\n// ./src/app/tarjetacompleta/tarjetacompleta.component.ts","module.exports = \"mat-form-field {\\r\\n width: 100%;\\r\\n}\\r\\n\"\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./src/app/user/change-password/change-password.component.css\n// module id = ./src/app/user/change-password/change-password.component.css\n// module chunks = main","module.exports = \"\\n\\n\\n\"\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./src/app/user/change-password/change-password.component.html\n// module id = ./src/app/user/change-password/change-password.component.html\n// module chunks = main","import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core';\nimport { User, UserReset, UserChangePass } from '../../shared/user.model';\nimport { UserService } from '../../shared/user.service';\nimport { ToastrService } from 'ngx-toastr';\nimport { Router } from '@angular/router';\nimport { NgForm } from '@angular/forms';\nimport { HttpErrorResponse } from '@angular/common/http';\n\n@Component({\n selector: 'app-change-password',\n templateUrl: './change-password.component.html',\n styleUrls: ['./change-password.component.css']\n})\nexport class ChangePasswordComponent implements OnInit {\n\n user: UserChangePass;\n emailPattern = '^[a-z0-9._%+-]+@[a-z0-9.-]+\\.[a-z]{2,4}$';\n errors: string[];\n\n constructor(private userService: UserService,\n private toastr: ToastrService,\n private router: Router) { }\n\n ngOnInit() {\n this.resetForm();\n this.errors = [];\n }\n\n resetForm(form?: NgForm) {\n // if (form != null) { form.reset(); }\n this.user = {\n OldPassword : '',\n NewPassword : '',\n ConfirmPassword : ''\n };\n }\n\n\n Guardar(form: any) {\n this.errors = [];\n Object.keys(form).forEach((key, index) =>\n this.user[key] = form[key]\n );\n this.userService.ChangePassword(this.user)\n .subscribe(res => {\n // console.log('Repuesta');\n // console.log(res);\n // if (res) {\n // if (res.status === 200) {\n this.resetForm();\n this.toastr.success('¡Se cambio la clave!');\n this.router.navigate(['/login']);\n // }\n // }\n },\n (err: HttpErrorResponse) => {\n console.log(err);\n if (err.status === 400) {\n // this.errors.push(err.error.Message);\n for (const key in err.error.ModelState) {\n if (err.error.ModelState.hasOwnProperty(key)) {\n const element = err.error.ModelState[key];\n this.errors.push(element);\n }\n }\n } else {\n this.errors.push('Ocurrio un error al cambiar la clave.');\n }\n });\n }\n\n }\n\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER //\n// ./src/app/user/change-password/change-password.component.ts","module.exports = \"\"\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./src/app/user/confirm-mail/confirm-mail.component.css\n// module id = ./src/app/user/confirm-mail/confirm-mail.component.css\n// module chunks = main","module.exports = \"\\n\"\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./src/app/user/confirm-mail/confirm-mail.component.html\n// module id = ./src/app/user/confirm-mail/confirm-mail.component.html\n// module chunks = main","import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core';\nimport { UserService } from '../../shared/user.service';\nimport { ActivatedRoute } from '@angular/router';\nimport { HttpErrorResponse } from '@angular/common/http';\n\n@Component({\n selector: 'app-confirm-mail',\n templateUrl: './confirm-mail.component.html',\n styleUrls: ['./confirm-mail.component.css']\n})\nexport class ConfirmMailComponent implements OnInit {\n\n constructor(private userService: UserService,\n private activeRoute: ActivatedRoute) { }\n errors: string[];\n ok = false;\n ngOnInit() {\n const userCode = this.activeRoute.snapshot.params.token; // .queryParamMap.get('token');\n // (userCode);\n const userName = this.activeRoute.snapshot.params.id; // queryParamMap.get('id');\n // console.log(userName);\n this.errors = [];\n this.userService.ConfirmEmail(userName, userCode)\n .subscribe(res => {\n this.ok = true;\n },\n (err: HttpErrorResponse) => {\n // console.log(err);\n if (err.status === 400) {\n // this.errors.push(err.error.Message);\n this.errors.push('Ocurrio un error al confirmar su usuario.');\n for (const key in err.error.ModelState) {\n if (err.error.ModelState.hasOwnProperty(key)) {\n const element = err.error.ModelState[key];\n this.errors.push(element);\n }\n }\n } else {\n this.errors.push('Ocurrio un error al confirmar el usuario.');\n }\n });\n }\n\n}\n\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER //\n// ./src/app/user/confirm-mail/confirm-mail.component.ts","module.exports = \"\"\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./src/app/user/forgot-password/forgot-password.component.css\n// module id = ./src/app/user/forgot-password/forgot-password.component.css\n// module chunks = main","module.exports = \"\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\"\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./src/app/user/forgot-password/forgot-password.component.html\n// module id = ./src/app/user/forgot-password/forgot-password.component.html\n// module chunks = main","import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core';\nimport { User } from '../../shared/user.model';\nimport { UserService } from '../../shared/user.service';\nimport { ToastrService } from 'ngx-toastr';\nimport { Router } from '@angular/router';\nimport { HttpErrorResponse } from '@angular/common/http';\nimport { NgForm } from '@angular/forms';\n\n@Component({\n selector: 'app-forgot-password',\n templateUrl: './forgot-password.component.html',\n styleUrls: ['./forgot-password.component.css']\n})\nexport class ForgotPasswordComponent implements OnInit {\n email = '';\n emailPattern = '^[a-z0-9._%+-]+@[a-z0-9.-]+\\.[a-z]{2,4}$';\n errors: string[];\n\n constructor(private userService: UserService,\n private toastr: ToastrService,\n private router: Router) { }\n\n ngOnInit() {\n this.resetForm();\n this.errors = [];\n }\n\n resetForm(form?: NgForm) {\n // if (form != null) { form.reset(); }\n this.email = '';\n }\n\n\n Guardar(form: any) {\n this.errors = [];\n Object.keys(form).forEach((key, index) =>\n // this.user[key] = form[key]\n this.email = form['Email']\n );\n this.userService.ForgotPassword(this.email)\n .subscribe(res => {\n this.resetForm();\n this.toastr.success('Listo, te enviamos un e-mail para que crees una clave nueva.');\n },\n (err: HttpErrorResponse) => {\n // console.log(err);\n if (err.status === 400) {\n if (err.error.Message !== undefined) {\n this.errors.push(err.error.Message);\n }\n for (const key in err.error.ModelState) {\n if (err.error.ModelState.hasOwnProperty(key)) {\n const element = err.error.ModelState[key];\n this.errors.push(element);\n }\n }\n } else {\n this.errors.push('Ocurrio un error al enviar mail.');\n }\n });\n }\n\n\n}\n\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER //\n// ./src/app/user/forgot-password/forgot-password.component.ts","module.exports = \"\"\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./src/app/user/reset-password/reset-password.component.css\n// module id = ./src/app/user/reset-password/reset-password.component.css\n// module chunks = main","module.exports = \"\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\"\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./src/app/user/reset-password/reset-password.component.html\n// module id = ./src/app/user/reset-password/reset-password.component.html\n// module chunks = main","import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core';\nimport { UserReset } from '../../shared/user.model';\nimport { UserService } from '../../shared/user.service';\nimport { ToastrService } from 'ngx-toastr';\nimport { Route } from '@angular/compiler/src/core';\nimport { Router, ActivatedRoute } from '@angular/router';\nimport { NgForm } from '@angular/forms';\nimport { HttpErrorResponse } from '@angular/common/http';\n\n@Component({\n selector: 'app-reset-password',\n templateUrl: './reset-password.component.html',\n styleUrls: ['./reset-password.component.css']\n})\nexport class ResetPasswordComponent implements OnInit {\n user: UserReset;\n emailPattern = '^[a-z0-9._%+-]+@[a-z0-9.-]+\\.[a-z]{2,4}$';\n errors: string[];\n userCode: string;\n constructor(private userService: UserService,\n private toastr: ToastrService,\n private router: Router,\n private activeRoute: ActivatedRoute) { }\n\n ngOnInit() {\n this.resetForm();\n this.errors = [];\n const userCode = this.activeRoute.snapshot.params.token;\n if ( userCode ) {\n this.userCode = userCode;\n } else {\n // console.log(' login please! ');\n this.router.navigate(['/login']);\n }\n }\n\n resetForm(form?: NgForm) {\n // if (form != null) { form.reset(); }\n this.user = {\n Code: '',\n UserName: '',\n ConfirmPassword: '',\n Password: ''\n };\n }\n\n\n Guardar(form: any) {\n this.errors = [];\n Object.keys(form).forEach((key, index) =>\n this.user[key] = form[key]\n );\n this.user.Code = this.userCode;\n this.userService.ResetPassword(this.user)\n .subscribe(res => {\n // console.log('Repuesta');\n // console.log(res);\n // if (res) {\n // if (res.status === 200) {\n this.resetForm();\n this.toastr.success('La clave se cambio correctamente.');\n this.router.navigate(['/login']);\n // }\n // }\n },\n (err: HttpErrorResponse) => {\n // console.log(err);\n if (err.status === 400) {\n // this.errors.push(err.error.Message);\n for (const key in err.error.ModelState) {\n if (err.error.ModelState.hasOwnProperty(key)) {\n const element = err.error.ModelState[key];\n this.errors.push(element);\n }\n }\n } else {\n this.errors.push('Ocurrio un error al cambiar la clave del usuario.');\n }\n });\n }\n\n\n}\n\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER //\n// ./src/app/user/reset-password/reset-password.component.ts","module.exports = \"\"\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./src/app/user/sign-in/sign-in.component.css\n// module id = ./src/app/user/sign-in/sign-in.component.css\n// module chunks = main","module.exports = \"\\n\"\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./src/app/user/sign-in/sign-in.component.html\n// module id = ./src/app/user/sign-in/sign-in.component.html\n// module chunks = main","import { Component, OnInit, ViewChild, ElementRef, AfterViewInit } from '@angular/core';\nimport { UserService } from '../../shared/user.service';\nimport { HttpErrorResponse } from '@angular/common/http';\nimport { Router } from '@angular/router';\nimport { RecaptchaModule } from 'ng-recaptcha';\nimport { LoaderService } from '../../loader.service';\n\n@Component({\n selector: 'app-sign-in',\n templateUrl: './sign-in.component.html',\n styleUrls: ['./sign-in.component.css']\n})\nexport class SignInComponent implements OnInit {\n isLoginError = false;\n username: string;\n password: string;\n scaptchaResponse: string;\n recaptchaStr = '';\n\n constructor(private userService: UserService,\n private router: Router,\n private loaderService: LoaderService) { }\n\n ngOnInit() {\n }\n\n onLoginSubmit(): void {\n this.login();\n }\n\n resolved(captchaResponse: string): void {\n this.recaptchaStr = captchaResponse;\n if (this.recaptchaStr) {\n this.onLoginSubmit();\n }\n }\n onLoginClick(captchaRef: any): void {\n if (this.recaptchaStr) {\n captchaRef.reset();\n }\n captchaRef.execute();\n }\n login() {\n // console.log('Despues del exe');\n // https://www.collegestash.com/invisible-recaptcha-with-angular-5/\n this.loaderService.display(true);\n this.userService.userAuthentication(this.username, this.password, this.recaptchaStr).subscribe((data: any) => {\n // console.log(data);\n localStorage.setItem('userToken', data.access_token);\n sessionStorage.removeItem('currClient');\n // this.navegacionServices.currentClient = null;\n this.router.navigate(['/dashboard']);\n },\n (err: HttpErrorResponse) => {\n // console.log(err);\n this.isLoginError = true;\n });\n this.loaderService.display(false);\n }\n\n\n\n}\n\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER //\n// ./src/app/user/sign-in/sign-in.component.ts","module.exports = \"\"\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./src/app/user/sign-up/sign-up.component.css\n// module id = ./src/app/user/sign-up/sign-up.component.css\n// module chunks = main","module.exports = \"\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\"\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./src/app/user/sign-up/sign-up.component.html\n// module id = ./src/app/user/sign-up/sign-up.component.html\n// module chunks = main","import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core';\nimport { NgForm } from '@angular/forms';\nimport { ToastrService } from 'ngx-toastr';\nimport { User } from '../../shared/user.model';\nimport { UserService } from '../../shared/user.service';\nimport { HttpErrorResponse, HttpResponse } from '@angular/common/http';\nimport { Router } from '@angular/router';\nimport { forEach } from '@angular/router/src/utils/collection';\nimport { RecaptchaModule } from 'ng-recaptcha';\nimport { LoaderService } from '../../loader.service';\n\n@Component({\n selector: 'app-sign-up',\n templateUrl: './sign-up.component.html',\n styleUrls: ['./sign-up.component.css']\n})\nexport class SignUpComponent implements OnInit {\n user: User;\n emailPattern = '^[a-z0-9._%+-]+@[a-z0-9.-]+\\.[a-z]{2,4}$';\n errors: string[];\n\n constructor(private userService: UserService,\n private toastr: ToastrService,\n private router: Router,\n private loaderService: LoaderService) { }\n\n ngOnInit() {\n this.resetForm();\n this.errors = [];\n }\n\n resetForm(form?: NgForm) {\n // if (form != null) { form.reset(); }\n this.user = {\n UserName: '',\n ConfirmPassword: '',\n Password: '',\n Email: '',\n FirstName: '',\n LastName: '',\n Empresa: '',\n clienteID: 0,\n };\n }\n resolved(captchaResponse: string) {\n console.log(`Resolved captcha with response ${captchaResponse}:`);\n }\n\n Guardar(form: any) {\n this.loaderService.display(true);\n this.errors = [];\n Object.keys(form).forEach((key, index) =>\n this.user[key] = form[key]\n );\n this.userService.registerUser(this.user)\n .subscribe(res => {\n // console.log('Repuesta');\n // console.log(res);\n // if (res) {\n // if (res.status === 200) {\n this.resetForm();\n // this.toastr.success('Listo, ahora sólo necesitamos que confirmes tu cuenta desde el e-mail que te enviamos.');\n this.toastr.success('Se a registrado el usuario, necesitamos que ingreses usuario y claves para continuar.');\n this.router.navigate(['/login']);\n // }\n // }\n },\n (err: HttpErrorResponse) => {\n console.log(err);\n if (err.status === 400) {\n // this.errors.push(err.error.Message);\n for (const key in err.error.ModelState) {\n if (err.error.ModelState.hasOwnProperty(key)) {\n const element = err.error.ModelState[key];\n this.errors.push(element);\n }\n }\n } else {\n this.errors.push('Ocurrio un error al registrar el usuario.');\n }\n });\n this.loaderService.display(false);\n }\n\n }\n\n /*\n OnSubmit(form: NgForm) {\n this.errors = [];\n Object.keys(form).forEach((key, index) =>\n this.diagnosticoSeleccionado[key] = form[key]\n );\n this.userService.registerUser(form.value)\n .subscribe(res => {\n // console.log('Repuesta');\n // console.log(res);\n // if (res) {\n // if (res.status === 200) {\n this.resetForm(form);\n this.toastr.success('Usuario Registrado Correctamente.');\n this.router.navigate(['/login']);\n // }\n // }\n },\n (err: HttpErrorResponse) => {\n console.log(err);\n if (err.status === 400) {\n // this.errors.push(err.error.Message);\n for (const key in err.error.ModelState) {\n if (err.error.ModelState.hasOwnProperty(key)) {\n const element = err.error.ModelState[key];\n this.errors.push(element);\n }\n }\n } else {\n this.errors.push('Ocurrio un error al registrar el usuario.');\n }\n });\n }\n */\n\n\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER //\n// ./src/app/user/sign-up/sign-up.component.ts","module.exports = \"\\r\\n\"\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./src/app/user/user.component.css\n// module id = ./src/app/user/user.component.css\n// module chunks = main","module.exports = \" \\n\\n\\n\"\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./src/app/user/user.component.html\n// module id = ./src/app/user/user.component.html\n// module chunks = main","import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core';\n\n@Component({\n selector: 'app-user',\n templateUrl: './user.component.html',\n styleUrls: ['./user.component.css'] // , '../../assets/scss/stylesMat.scss', '../../assets/scss/toastr.css']\n})\nexport class UserComponent implements OnInit {\n\n constructor() {\n // console.log('en el constructor de user login');\n }\n\n ngOnInit() {\n // console.log('en el init de user login');\n }\n\n}\n\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER //\n// ./src/app/user/user.component.ts","module.exports = \"\"\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./src/app/user/usuario-edicion/usuario-edicion.component.css\n// module id = ./src/app/user/usuario-edicion/usuario-edicion.component.css\n// module chunks = main","module.exports = \"\\n\"\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./src/app/user/usuario-edicion/usuario-edicion.component.html\n// module id = ./src/app/user/usuario-edicion/usuario-edicion.component.html\n// module chunks = main","import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core';\nimport { HttpErrorResponse } from '@angular/common/http';\nimport { NgForm } from '@angular/forms';\nimport { Router } from '@angular/router';\nimport { ToastrService } from 'ngx-toastr';\nimport { UserService } from '../../shared/user.service';\nimport { User } from '../../shared/user.model';\n\n@Component({\n selector: 'app-usuario-edicion',\n templateUrl: './usuario-edicion.component.html',\n styleUrls: ['./usuario-edicion.component.css']\n})\nexport class UsuarioEdicionComponent implements OnInit {\n\n user: User;\n emailPattern = '^[a-z0-9._%+-]+@[a-z0-9.-]+\\.[a-z]{2,4}$';\n errors: string[];\n\n constructor(private userService: UserService,\n private toastr: ToastrService,\n private router: Router) { }\n\n ngOnInit() {\n this.resetForm();\n this.errors = [];\n }\n\n resetForm(form?: NgForm) {\n // if (form != null) { form.reset(); }\n this.user = {\n UserName: '',\n ConfirmPassword: '',\n Password: '',\n Email: '',\n FirstName: '',\n LastName: '',\n Empresa: '',\n clienteID: 0,\n };\n }\n\n\n Guardar(form: any) {\n this.errors = [];\n Object.keys(form).forEach((key, index) =>\n this.user[key] = form[key]\n );\n this.userService.registerUser(this.user)\n .subscribe(res => {\n // console.log('Repuesta');\n // console.log(res);\n // if (res) {\n // if (res.status === 200) {\n this.resetForm();\n this.toastr.success('¡Bienvenido al Espacio AMG!');\n this.router.navigate(['/login']);\n // }\n // }\n },\n (err: HttpErrorResponse) => {\n console.log(err);\n if (err.status === 400) {\n // this.errors.push(err.error.Message);\n for (const key in err.error.ModelState) {\n if (err.error.ModelState.hasOwnProperty(key)) {\n const element = err.error.ModelState[key];\n this.errors.push(element);\n }\n }\n } else {\n this.errors.push('Ocurrio un error al registrar el usuario.');\n }\n });\n }\n\n }\n\n\n\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER //\n// ./src/app/user/usuario-edicion/usuario-edicion.component.ts","export const environment = {\n production: true,\n API_URL: '/WebAPI',\n GOOGLE_INV_CAPTCH: '6LdxQ3wUAAAAABlYovyn-gVf4xQPCdMRsXskNuWZ'\n};\n// PARA SITIO PRD API_URL: 'https://tool.amg.la/WebAPI',\n// PARA SITIO TEST 'http://tool.amg.la:8089/WebAPI'\n\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER //\n// ./src/environments/environment.ts","import { enableProdMode } from '@angular/core';\nimport { platformBrowserDynamic } from '@angular/platform-browser-dynamic';\n\nimport { AppModule } from './app/app.module';\nimport { environment } from './environments/environment';\n\nif (environment.production) {\n enableProdMode();\n}\n\nplatformBrowserDynamic().bootstrapModule(AppModule)\n .catch(err => console.log(err));\n\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER //\n// ./src/main.ts"],"sourceRoot":"webpack:///"}
\\n {{ this.getDimensionDescripcionbypg(rp.preguntasID) }}\\n
\\n {{ getDescripcion(rp.preguntasID) }}\\n